


Ideas and Strategies of Life Education in Universities


孫效智(Johannes Hsiao-Chih Sun)


生命教育 ; 大學生命教育 ; 人學 ; 人生三問 ; 十二年國民基本教育 ; life education ; life education in university ; anthropology ; three big issues concerning human life ; 12-year compulsory education




5卷2期(2013 / 12 / 01)


1 - 37






Beginning with a critical analysis of general opinions concerning the life situations of university students, this essay points out then the universal significance of many issues about meaning and reality of human life. Due to a certain kind of self-alienation of the functioning of universities and its negative impacts upon students and the society as a whole, however, those significant issues of human life are totally or at least partly ignored in university campuses. Based upon an ideal picture of an educated person and the reflection with regard to the essence of university education, five strategies of promoting life education in universities are discussed and presented as follows:1. Interdisciplinary research on issues arising from life education;2. Promotion of life education in university campuses;3. Teacher formation and teaching resources development for grades 1 through 12 of school system;4. Promotion of a national education policy taking life education as its core value;5. Promotion of life education in different sectors of the society.None of the five strategies is an easy way to go. Every one of them is confronted with all kinds of difficulties and challenges. Hopefully there are more and more intellectuals who are prepared to commit themselves to the realization of life education in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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