


On "Recuperating the Conscience": From Philosophical Anthropology to Life and Values Education Lessons




何能國(Orlando N.-K. Ho)


四句教 ; 心體我 ; 社會我 ; 意向我 ; 良知我 ; the 4 pedagogic maxims (sijujiao) ; ontological self ; social self ; volitional self ; conscientious self




9卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


43 - 69




本文將從「哲學人觀」的角度,揭示王陽明「致良知」的理論對生命與價值教育的涵義。於方法論而言,本文將以文獻研究為重心,部分結合歷史學與哲學的思維,並輔以筆者個人授課的經驗,加以論述和分析。本文旨在探討四項議題,並主張它們於當代生命、價值教育的課堂與課程中,必須是相互關聯、環環緊扣的。所關注的四項議題如下:一、必須依照王陽明「四句教」的框架,才能恰當理解「致良知」和其 所預設的「人觀」;二、指出時下流行的「人觀」在課程設計和教育實踐兩方面的作用與後果;三、基於筆者教育實踐的體會和反思,指出「王學」與當代社會研究和教育研究中的建構主義,可作相互參照和互補;四、總結上述的分析和觀察,提出於當代生命和價值教育課程中,傳授「王學」的教育效益與意義。


For the betterment of "life and values education," this paper investigates the "Theory of Recuperating the Conscience," as postulated by Wang Yangming. The investigation will start with the philosophical anthropology characteristic of Wang's pedagogic thoughts. This paper will adopt literature review, as its basic method, while it will in part be complemented with historical, and philosophical thinking. In its discussion and analyses, it will also be supported with practical pedagogical experience of the author. This paper is concerned about 4 issues; and which, are interrelated and should be approached as such in lessons and curriculums for "life and values education." Those 4 issues to be examined are as follows: 1. To establish that the "Recuperation of the Conscience" and its indispensable philosophical anthropology can be properly understood only in the discursive context of "the 4 pedagogic maxims (sijujiao)." 2. To point out the functions and consequences of the prevailing "philosophical anthropology" in curriculum design and educational practices. 3. Based upon the author’s practical educational experiences and reflections, to point out, how the philosophy of Wang Yangming and the construcionist theories of contemporary sociological and education studies might be mutually engaged and complement one another as pedagogic partners. 4. Based upon the aforementioned analyses and observations, to make note of the pedagogic benefits and significances of teaching Wang Yangming's thoughts in a contemporary curriculum on life and values education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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