


Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explore Behavioral Intention to Accept Dream-Realizing Services of the Elderly




李尚武(Shang-Wu Li);楊國柱(Kuo-Chu Yan);王枝燦(Chih-Tsan Wang)


高齡者 ; 圓夢服務 ; 圓夢需求 ; 行為的意向 ; the elderly ; dream-realizing service ; dream-realizing demand ; behavioral intention




14卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


145 - 181






The speeding and aging population structure resulted from progression of healthcare technology, average life expectancy increased, and fertility rates decreased. Taiwan has officially entered the stage of an "aged society" as Taiwanese people over 65 years old accounted for over 16% of the total population in January, 2021. In addition, Taiwan will become a super-aged society by 2025. Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study builds up an intention model of the elderly participatory behavior by including the demand facet of dream-realizing services to revise the initial theoretical model. The questionnaire of "the scale of behavioral intention of the elderly to participate in the dream-realizing service" is used as a tool for testifying the people aged over 65 in Kaohsiung and gains 387 valid samples by purposive sampling method. Research findings show that the most important factor influencing the elderly's willingness to participate in the dream-realizing services is perceived behavioral control. The second factor is attitude. The subjective norms and dream-realizing demand have a remarkable influence on the intention of their behavior and both of the former and later have an indirect influence on the intention of their behavior by the moderated mediation effect of attitude. Finally, according to the study findings, it provides suggestions to industries and the government the ideas to start a business and encourage the investment in dream-realizing services.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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