


The Way to Face Life and Death: Based on Laozi's Philosophy as an Example




譚宇權(Yu-Chuan Tan)


知足的生死觀 ; 老子教導 ; 量化的誤解 ; 心境上的修行 ; 無執的生死觀 ; content view of life and death ; Laozi's teachings ; quantization error ; practice in the state of mind ; non-persistence of life-and-death view




14卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


29 - 58






The purpose of this writing is to explore Laozi's teachings on how to look upon life and to face death. This is something we have to face every day. We now ask ourselves, how can we gain peace in our lives? Especially when we are old, everyone has to face these questions. On the contrary, as people grow old, will often feel that their time is limited and may feel it is better to let go of everything and enjoy their time; Is such a life wise? The view of life presented by Laozi's philosophy discussed in this paper is to see whether it is a negative avoidance of the world, or to indulge and be carefree. First of all, it advocates a new discussion on Laozi's central idea, "the Tao" and its significance, such as virtue and etiquette. Moreover, after comparison with Confucius and Laozi, I realize that Laozi's nature is to be back to the origin of things and to remove everything including human-made concepts, such as existence, good and evil, and the entire ethics. Instead, to transform from a pre-set discriminatory mind back to a non-discriminatory mind as it was prior to modern civilization. In other words, to rebuild our views of life and death with a non-discriminatory mind. It also builds a life state centred on contentment with non-attachment which consequently no longer is bound to cares about the length of life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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