


On Significance of Suffering in Life from Hidden Spring: Logotherapy Based on the Structure of "the Four Noble Truths"




陳紹韻(Shao-Yun Chen)


佛教女性 ; 癌症 ; 苦難 ; 四聖諦 ; 意義治療 ; Buddhist woman ; cancer ; suffering ; the Four Noble Truth ; logotherapy




14卷1期(2022 / 06 / 01)


89 - 121




S. Boucher所著《隱藏之泉》一書的副標題為「一個面對癌症的佛教女性」,書中無深奧難解的佛理名相,也非弘法性質的勸說教示,而以西方佛教女性之姿,平實細膩地記述癌後面對種種考驗不時提起方法與觀照的心路歷程,她真誠勇敢地「正視」癌症,而非如「抗癌鬥士」般地超越或戰勝,對病痛採取不迎不拒、平等捨心的態度,將重心回歸生活日常與自我覺察。本文以此書為敘事研究文本,依佛教三業與四聖諦之架構,連結V. E. Frankl人生意義價值的內涵而開展,探究罹癌之苦對於生命的提醒與轉化,其意義雖以態度價值為核心,卻也顧及創造價值與體驗價值,非僅為世間著書立說等具體貢獻的遺願,或積累生活體驗的期待,其平靜樸實的因應之道,一可提供給學界與教界參考,二可見發源於東方的佛法內化與深化西方女性的程度,三可看出佛教徒注重精神覺性發展並兼顧現實身心的現象。


The subtitle of Hidden Spring by American writer S. Boucher is "a Buddhist woman confronts cancer". There is no esoteric term of Buddhism, nor is it a kind of persuasion and instruction for propagating Buddhism. Instead, the book describes her own cancer and treatment in a plain and detailed manner as a western Buddhist woman. Faced with various tests, she bravely and sincerely "confronted" cancer. She did not want to transcend, exceed, or defeat, conquer cancer like an anti-cancer fighter. She took the attitude of no rejection and expectation, but equality to the pain, and returned her life to real daily routine and self-awareness. Based on the structure of the Three-Karma and the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism, and related to the meaning and value of V. E. Frankl, Boucher's life course and transformation because of cancer and the meaning of life will be explored. Although its significance of suffering is centered on attitudinal value, it also considers creative value and experiential value. It's not just a wish about writing books or making specific contributions for the world or increasing life experience for herself, but a calm and honest response to cancer. It not only provides a possible reference for Taiwan's academic and religious circles, but also demonstrates the extent to which the Buddhism originated in the East has internalized and deepened Western women, and how Buddhists focus on the development of spiritual awareness and take into account the physical and mental state of reality.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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