


The Study of Victim Identification of China Airlines CI-611 Aircraft Accident in Penghu, Taiwan




楊全斌(Chuan-Ping Yang);邱清華(Ching-Hwa Chiu);郭宗禮(Tsung-LI Kuo);鄭景暉(Jiiang-Huei Jeng)


航機失事 ; 指紋比對 ; DNA比對 ; 齒牙比對 ; Aircraft accident ; Fingerprint identification ; DNA identification ; Odontology identification




1卷1期(2009 / 06 / 01)


57 - 70




2002年5月25日,中華航空公司CI-611班機在澎湖高空發生空難,機體於空中解體,全體乘客及機員共225名均罹難。其遺體大都是完整,無燃燒跡象,死後二、三天尚可目視辨認。至第99日發現的遺體已呈白骨化。 指紋比對:依官方檔案,225名中89名有指紋卡。在發現的175具(77.7%)遺體中,33具經指紋確認。依檔案比例推算,175具之指紋比對應可確認69具,尚差36具,可能因腐敗而無法比對。 DNA比對:7具零星的遺骸中有5具(71.4%)無法檢出DNA型別。檔案中沒有說明,在完整遺骸的404個DNA檢體中有多少個是有檢出或無檢出DNA型別,故無法評估DNA比對的功能。 齒牙比對:檔案中沒有齒牙比對確認身分之詳細數據,故無法顯示牙齒比對之功能。 結論與討論: 1.本案以指紋、DNA比對為主。在齒牙比對方面,卻因並未對罹難者生前及死後的口內影像、X光片與照片等作完整收集與建檔,不無遺憾。 2.遺體腐敗是指紋與DNA比對的最大致命傷,然官方資料宣稱175名尋獲者皆完成DNA比對,令人存疑。DNA比對只使用家屬血液,係用親子鑑定的方法,其實更直接的是使用罹難者生前DNA,其材料可來自病理切片與個人牙刷。DNA比對應提供完整報告,作為未來改善之依據。 3.指紋比對是身分辨識的重要工具,如能建立全國民資料庫,始能發揮最大功能。 4.由於目前尚缺電腦輔助牙齒比對之軟體,有待今後補充。另外,由於齒牙鑑定係倚賴開業牙醫師的義務參與,但牙醫師參與時間畢竟有限,必須有行政助理人員參與支援,負責資料收集與分析整理。 5.政府單位多持資訊不公開態度,故未將資料發表分析,以致對災難遺體辨認作業甚為不利,有待改善。


China Airlines Flight CI-611 crashed into the sea in Penghu on May 25, 2002. All 225 passengers and crew members were killed. Most bodies were found intact, no signs of burning, and could still be recognized after 2-3 days. The body found on the 99th day was just skeleton. There are three ways to identify the victims, i.e. DNA, fingerprint, and odontology: 1. Fingerprint There were 89 ante-mortem fingerprint records out of 225 victims. Of 175 bodies found, 33 were identified by fingerprint. Base on the ratio of 89/225, there should be 69 bodies identified, the rest 36 could not be identified due to decomposition of bodies. 2. DNA The DNA of 404 samples from complete remains were examined. 5 out of 7 DNA of partial remains were not identified (71.4%). No official data showed how many cases were identified by DNA. 3. Odontology Officials noted ”there were numerous cases identified by 88 dentists working 2-3 days per person”, yet no comprehensive data was released. Conclusion and discussion 1. DNA and fingerprint were emphasized in this investigation. However, there was no complete victims' antemortem and post-mortem dental records for comparison. 2. Fingerprint and DNA identification testing were less effective on decomposed bodies. The officials report that all 175 victims were identified by way of DNA is questionable. The family members' blood was used for DNA testing-paternity test. However, ante-mortem DNA of victims is more direct and effective, such as specimens from pathologic biopsy and personal toothbrush. The result of DNA testing should be disclosed, not kept as confidential, for future improvement. 3. Fingerprint is an important tool for human identification. A national fingerprint data base is imperative for better identification. 4. There was no software for computer assisted dental data matching available. They were urgently needed. Dentists involved in this investigation were private practitioners and their time was limited, so they need administrative assistants to participate in collecting and analyzing dental documentations.

主题分类 醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
社會科學 > 法律學
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