


The Study of Apartment Residents' Negative Perceptions toward Property Management Company via Critical Incident Technique




陳怡靜(I-Ching Chen);胡學誠(Shueh-Cheng Hu)


物業管理 ; 關鍵事件技術 ; 服務接觸 ; 負向關鍵事件 ; Property management ; Critical incident technique ; Service encounter ; Negative critical incident




3卷2期(2012 / 09 / 01)


17 - 28




近年來國內集合式住宅已成為人口密集都會區的主流居住型態,房價的保值、生活水平的提昇及區分所有權人權利的行使,均有賴於物業管理公司立意良善的管理,故慎選合適的物業管理公司已成為各社區住戶的共識。因礙於住戶眾多且管委會難以求證與公斷,導致住戶面對物業管理公司的服務未到位所衍生的負向觀感一再漠視隱忍,引發的社區糾紛亦層出不窮,亦因未受到管委會與物業管理公司高層的重視進而埋下許多後續爭議的引信。故此,本研究從服務接觸的角度出發,運用關鍵事件技術與Bitner, Booms, & Tetreault於1990所提出的分類原則,蒐集住戶的負向關鍵事件,深入瞭解造成物業管理公司人員服務未能到位的原因及引發社區服務糾紛的根源。研究結果發現,以第一類「員工對服務傳遞系統失能的反應」及第二類「員工對顧客需要與請求的反應」的事件最為明顯,且並列第一,第三類「自發性的員工行動」的事件比例則最低。最後依據研究結果提出相關建議,希冀本研究的結果能做為物業管理公司制訂服務流程準則及提供更佳物業管理服務品質的參考依據。


Most metropolitans live in apartments due to high population density and limited space. Apartment residents delegate management affairs to property management companies for maintaining better living environments and sustaining their real estates' price. There are various complains, disputes or even resentments arise from that the delegated property management companies could not conduct managerial tasks well. This research tried to gain insights into apartment residents' negative perceptions toward the delegated property management companies. The research applied critical incident technique (CIT) to obtain residents' impression about the most dissatisfactory incidents that occurred while they interacted with delegated property management companies. The research findings indicated that among the sources of the most dissatisfactory incidents, the employee response to service failures and employee response to customer needs and requests topped the ranking, unprompted and unsolicited employee actions followed behind. Concrete suggestions were provided to avoid the identified dissatisfactory incidents. Hopefully, the outcome of this research work can help property management industry and accountable government organizations to improve service quality and corresponding regulations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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