


Elderly Mobility, Housing Decisions and Economic Status in Taiwan


陳淑美(Shu-Mei Chen);楊奕權(I-Chuan Yang)


老人 ; 遷移 ; 住宅權屬決策 ; 經濟狀況 ; The elderly ; mobility ; housing tenure decision ; economic status




5卷1期(2014 / 04 / 30)


61 - 76






T he homeownership rate is almost 85% or more in Taiwan. Some elderly households are housing rich but cash poor, the housing wealth could be converted to the living expense if they want. This study would like to explore the relationships between the housing tenure decisions after moving and economic status for the elderly. This study reviews some prevalent literatures and establishes related hypotheses. The empirical study employs the multinomial choice models and the data of "Survey of Health and Living Status of the Middle Aged and Elderly in Taiwan" to analyze elderly housing tenure decisions and the economic status. First of all, the result of cross analysis demonstrates the tendency of the homeownership rate decreased especially in older groups. The life cycle hypothesis is supported. Second, from the results of multinomial choice model, the hypothesis 2 is supported. The elderly converting the housing wealth to consumption makes their living budget more sufficient. Third, the elderly doesn't prefer to choose moving and tenure decision if their children have jobs. The policy implication of the results would provide the suggestions that the elderly could use housing wealth to raise their quality of life.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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