


The Development of the Managerial Competency Scale for the Site Property Manager


薛昭義(Chao-Yi Hsueh);薛榮棠(Jung-Tang Hsueh);孔仁奕(Ren-Yi Kung)


物業管理 ; 現場主管 ; 基層主管 ; 管理職能 ; 職能量表 ; The property management ; site manager ; front line manager ; managerial competency ; competency scale




5卷2期(2014 / 09 / 30)


11 - 24




隨著社會變遷,社區型態轉變,民眾對居住品質的要求逐漸提高,物業管理服務範疇與執行能力也與當年不可同日而語。物業管理業之服務來自於人,公司永續經營的遠景須由派駐現場人員的素質與熱誠來落實。因此,現場主管所具有的職能乃為物業管理公司妥善經營之基礎。本研究經由文獻歸納探討,再邀請學者專家及業界管理經理人,透過專家訪談進行討論,研討出問卷題項後發放問卷。問卷回收後,進行探索性因素分析,反覆進行量表純化後,產生六個構面31題項,再對新構面題項進行Cronbach's α值檢測及題項與總分之相關分析篩選題項,檢測後各構面內部一致性及信度相當良好,α值符合標準。將產生的六個構面分別命名為「人格特質」、「人際性技能」、「專業性技能」、「動機特質」、「領導性技能」及「概念性技能」。本現場主管管理職能量表,可做為台灣地區物業管理公司評鑑現場主管管理職能參考的工具,而且能有效的拔擢、晉升優秀的基層主管,做好大樓管理服務工作並提升企業的競爭力。


With social change and transformation of community type, the property management industry has to adjust operation scope and executive ability to meet the trend of better living quality. Since the sustainable vision of the property management company will be fulfilled by the enthusiasm and devotion of staff on the front line, the site supervisor's competency has been the foundation of the property management industry. This study developed questionnaire items through literature review and expert interview, which invited scholars, professionals and managers in the field to discuss the issue. After conducting exploratory factor analysis and iterative scale purification from returned questionnaires, the original items were modified to 31 items and conducted 6 subscales. Through analyzing the items of modifying questionnaire and examine the Cronbach's α and item-to-total correlation, we found the post-test internal consistency and reliability of each subscale is quite good. That is to say the six subscales of the questionnaire will be "personality traits", "interpersonal skill", "professional skill", "motivation traits", "leading skill" and "conceptual skill". This competency scale for the site property manager will provide property management companies in Taiwan a referential tool to evaluate the competency of site property managers and effectively promote excellent front site manager, furthermore to reach the goal of competitiveness enhancement.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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