In Taiwan, the self-owned residence rate has also been growing annually together with the increasing national income. The housing renovation & refurbishment industries in Taiwan and other countries have received increasing attention from researchers at home and abroad. However, there is little research on the connections between factors influencing consumers' decision making and behaviors when choosing housing renovation & refurbishment services providers. Therefore, this study is conducted to explore the factors affecting consumers' intentions and demands for housing renovation services. In addition, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 450 questionnaires sent and totally 296 valid samples returned. This study found 87% of the subjects tend to choose services from providers with professional brands. Over half of the subjects indicate willingness to pay 1%~<5% more for services from providers with better images and more professional brands. This finding indicates there is still room of development for housing renovation & refurbishment providers with good brand images. The regression analysis results indicate that the variables of "attitudes" and "perceived behaviors" can explain consumers’ intentions.
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