Judges often need professional assistance from real estate appraisers in providing written evidence to facilitate a court decision in which the value of a defective building structure is disputed. However, some appraisal reports are distrusted by judges. In defense of the scientific nature of property appraisal, we suggest for a significance test of stigma effects on structure defect prior to undertaking an appraisal. Once the stigma effects are justified, primary appraisal methods can be applied with necessary refinement. When sales comparison method is employed, stigma shall be regarded as a residual of value. In discounted cash flow method, increased risk is deemed as a proxy of stigma represented by a higher discount rate. In the context of cost method, stigma is reasoned as a form of functional obsolescence estimated by the difference between reproduction cost and replacement cost. Real estate appraisal is often argued to be a combination of science and art. We however are opposed to this conventional thinking. Rule of thumb and educated guess are needed in appraisal, but they will not make appraisal an art.
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