


Effects of Extra-Curricular Involvement at College on Relationship Adjustment after Graduation -- Perspectives from a College’s Alumni




葉昌智(Chang-Chih Yeh);李育齊(Yu-Chi Li);洪錦珠(Ching-Chu Hung)


大學畢業生 ; 課外學習投入 ; 人際適應 ; college graduates ; extra-curricular involvement ; relationship adjustment




55卷1期(2016 / 06 / 01)


26 - 42




本研究旨在探究畢業生在大學時期課外學習投入與畢業後人際適應關係之關係,以393份畢業校友為研究對象,並運用「畢業生大學時期課外學習投入與人際適應」調查問卷為研究工具,進行量化分析,編製「課外學習投入與人際適應訪談大綱」,探討校友大學時期之課外學習投入的關鍵經驗為何,以及當年課外學習投入對於現今人際適應之影響為何?研究結果分述如下:一、大學時期各種課外學習投入與人際適應間的相關性,以「宿舍生活」為最高,其次依序為「學生社團」、「學校活動方案參與」、「公共事務」與「師生互動」。二、個人背景對於人際適應有解釋力,解釋力為6.2%;個人背景與課外學習投入對於 人際適應有解釋力,解釋力為29.1%。三、個人背景中的「性別」,以及大學時期課外學習領域投入中的「學生社團」與「宿舍生活」,為畢業後「人際適應」之顯著預測因素。四、大學生於學生社團投入中的「多重社交關係的釐清」、「妥協與讓步」、「情感上的支持與深度交流」、「團體中角色定位的感知與判斷」等關鍵經驗,可能有助於其未來生活中的人際適應。五、大學生於宿舍生活投入中可能因「識人能力提升」、「學習適當的應對方式」、「結交知心朋友」、「瞭解並尊重個人差異」、「釐清人際界限」等關鍵經驗,而對其未來生活中的人際適應有所助益。


The purpose of this research is to investigate the association between the extra-curricular involvement at college and relationship adjustment after graduation. 393 alumni were investigated, each with a close-end and an open-end questionnaire. For the open-end questionnaire, an interview guide was designed for investigating what the critical experience of these alumni in extra-curricular involvement at college is and how their relationship adjustment is affected by the experience learned from extra-curricular involvement. The results are as follows: 1. Among the correlations between extra-curricular involvement and relationship adjustment, dormitory experience is the highest, followed by student clubs, activity programs, public affairs as well as student and staff interaction respectively. 2. Personal backgrounds explain 6.2% of variance of relationship adjustment, while both personal backgrounds and extra-curricular involvement explain 29.1% of this variance. 3. Gender together with extra-curricular involvement at college such as club participation, and dormitory experience can be predictors for relationship adjustment. 4. Those critical experiences -- such as identification of diverse social relationship, compromise and accommodation, emotional support and in-depth interaction, perception and judgment of the role in a group -- maybe helpful to relationship adjustment after graduation. 5. Through improving the ability to know people, learning appropriate adjustment skills, making good friends, recognizing and respecting to individual difference, college students’ involvement in dormitory experience may be helpful to their relationship adjustment after graduation.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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