This study aims at evaluating the psychometric properties of Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC-13), and further analyzes its implications on mental health promotion. A sample of 476 college students in Taiwan was selected. Participants completed four scales, including Soc-13 scale, Zung's Self-Rating Anxiety and Depression Scales, and a Seven Bipolar Trait Adjective Checklist (measuring negative affectivity, NA). The fit of the measurement model and the structure model of the SOC-13 scale was tested by SEM. The results show that: A. The fit of the three-factor structural model of the SOC-13 scale is acceptable; B. The internal consistency reliability of the SOC-13 full scale is good ( .80), but the three subscales’ reliability is slightly lower. C. The fit of the predictive validity model of the SOC-13 scale is acceptable; in addition, SOC latent variable can predict the 60.84% variation of distress latent variable; D. The SOC-13 scale was confounded with negative affectivity. In sum, the reliability and validity of the SOC- 13 is acceptable. Finally, the implications of Antonovsky's salutogenic model and SOC theory on mental health promotion are suggested.
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