This study aims to explore the relationship among the personal background, curriculum experience, and leadership development when students participate in service-learning curriculum. The participants attended the second semester of the 105 academic year elective courses "Design and Practice of Service-Learning" at National Taiwan Normal University, a total of 35 students. "Students' Participation in Service-Learning Course Experience and Leadership Development Questionnaire" was used in this study. The statistical analysis methods consisted of descriptive statistics, independent-sample t-test, Pearson's correlation, stepwise regression analysis, and reflection journals were collected for qualitative analysis. Students who participate in the service-learning curriculum experience and leadership development show good command. The curriculum experience and leadership development have moderately positive correlation for college students. Stepwise regression analysis findings: "reflection" explain 29.6% of the variance for leadership development. Recommendations based on the results are presented to improve the effectiveness of service-learning curriculum, enhance the quality of service-learning teacher training, provide opportunities for diverse participation in social actions and practices, strengthen community collaboration and cooperation, as well as expend participants, variables and methods for further research. It is hoped that this study will procure suggestions for relevant educators to plan and implement service learning courses.
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