


Applying the Focused Discussion Method to Microaggressions in COVID-19 Cluster Infections




吳佳純(Chia-Chun Wu);李佩珊(Pei-Shan Lee)


COVID-19 ; 汙名化 ; 微歧視 ; 焦點討論法(ORID) ; COVID-19 ; stigma ; microaggression ; focused discussion method (ORID)




61卷3期(2022 / 12 / 01)


33 - 47




嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019, COVID-19)於2020年對個人和社區帶來衝擊,早期感染者感受到針對其偏見的「微歧視」,甚或造成負面的心理壓力。在臺灣,疫情剛開始時,若學校有任一名學生確診則全班須集體停課14天,使得確診學生本人及該班被居家隔離的學生可能感到心理恐慌或汙名歧視。本研究目的旨在運用焦點討論法(focused conversation method;或稱ORID方法)之創新方法,協助一群遭受隔離的學生探索消除微歧視的方法。研究對象為2020年因接觸確診者而被隔離的18名學生,在隔離期間完成焦點討論法之反思日記。分析結果顯示了疾病和生態的客觀(objective)層次、情緒變化的反思(reflective)層次、從我到我們的解釋(interpretive)層次,以及共同克服難關的決策(decisional)層次。整體而言,在因應微歧視當中使用焦點討論法的反思練習是有效的,能幫助學生轉化負向情緒,提高心理素養,進而應對當前環境的嚴峻挑戰。透過本研究,建議可將這種方法應用於媒體素養教育,以減少面對大流行疾病的恐慌與微歧視。


In 2020, the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) impacted individuals and communities, with early infected individuals experiencing prejudicial microaggressions and even negative psychological stress. In Taiwan, at the beginning of the epidemic, school was suspended for 14 days once any one student in a class was confirmed, causing possible psychological fear or stigma for the confirmed student and the home-isolated students in the class. The purpose of this study is to use the innovative method of focused discussion (focused conversation method [ORID]) to help a group of isolated students explore ways to eliminate microaggressions. The study participants were 18 students who, after being isolated in 2020 as a result of contact with a diagnosed person, completed a focused discussion method reflective journal during their isolation. The analysis revealed an objective (O) level of disease and ecology, a reflective (R) level of emotional change, an interpretive (I) level from me to us, and a decisional (D) level to overcome the problem altogether. Overall, the use of ORID method in reflective practice in response to microaggressions is effective in helping students alleviate negative emotions and improve their psychological literacy to cope with the severe challenges of the current environment. On behalf of this study, it is suggested to apply this approach to media literacy education to reduce panic and discrimination in the face of pandemic diseases.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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