


Transitional Justice Thinking and Contentions That High School Students Need: Discussion and Suggestions from the Perspective of Citizenship Education




王奕超(Yi-Chao Wang)


108課綱 ; 人權 ; 公民教育 ; 轉型正義 ; 108 Master Framework for the 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum ; human rights ; civic education ; transitional justice




61卷4期(2023 / 03 / 01)


17 - 29






Transitional justice initiatives, as an important part of the democratization process, are particularly essential in the democratization spectrum about the deepening of democracy and cannot be overlooked. Recently, discussions on transitional justice initiatives have generally focused on aspects such as borrowing from international experiences and local translation. Overall, borrowing from international experiences focuses on the functional purpose of paradigm shift, while local translation emphasizes adapting to the historical and cultural contexts of different countries, requiring customized and localized transformations. As stated by the core value of transitional justice, the main purpose of transitional justice is to address illegal and unjust activities that occurred during the authoritarian period in the past, and to rebuild and restore historical truth based on systematically examining how the institutional human rights violations were shaped under the authoritarian regime, in order to achieve rehabilitation, and furthermore, through relevant education, to prevent "history repeating itself." With thorough discussion on the educational implications of transitional justice initiatives, this paper believes that adjustments should be made to the "Citizenship and Social Studies" curriculum, which is necessary and a priority. Through education, transitional justice enables the reconstruction of historical facts that high school students should be aware of. Furthermore, by establishing a correct historical perspective, critical thinking about human rights can be based on accurate historical facts. By making human rights the central focus and through human rights education, a citizen's perspective with democratic literacy can be established.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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