


Sexuality and Relationship Education: Making Good Use of Popular Culture and Sexual Literacy


楊幸真(Hsing-Chen Yang)


性與關係教育 ; 性素養 ; 流行文化 ; 慾望 ; 愉悅 ; Sexuality and Relationship Education ; Sexual Literacy ; Popular Culture ; Desire ; Pleasure




2卷1期(2011 / 01 / 01)


93 - 110






This is an era that popular culture has been full of sexualized information and result in deep impact on youths' identities, schooling experiences, and gender and sexuality learning. This article argues that popular culture should not be seen as only a tool of ideology. On the contrary, it should be taken as a cultural resource of emancipatory possibilities. Therefore, the purpose of this article includes: (1) to waken school teachers to recognize gender and sexuality education clue within popular culture; (2) to introduce sexual literacy and articulate the idea of taking students' viewpoint to see what they have learned from popular culture; (3) to propose ”to dialogue not to resist” pedagogical strategy. Hopefully, the discussions will bring insights for teachers to develop intimacy and gender education curriculum inclusive of desire and pleasure, and make students enrich their learning and practice on gender, sexuality and intimacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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