


The Analysis of How Practical Intelligence Deals with Sexual Harassment


高冠湳(Kuan-Nan Kao)


性騷擾 ; 智力理論 ; 實用智能 ; Sexual Harassment ; Theories of Intelligence ; Practical Intelligence




2卷2期(2011 / 07 / 01)


1 - 22




本研究旨在討論各種智力理論(theories of intelligence)的觀點,並且探討實用智能(practical intelligence)的三種能力-適應情境、塑造情境、選擇情境能力與日常生活情境處理之相關。再從分析各種評量實用智能工具過程中,找出並探討適合評量實用智能對性騷擾處理之相關工具為何。根據文獻,由性騷擾各種不同界定的方式與性騷擾形成的原因,說明實用智能三種能力如何運作,如何用以處理性騷擾的情境。文末在探討台灣地區與歐美地區性教育之差異,提出思考可以做些什麼來改善現況?據此提出建議。


The purpose of this study was to discuss all theories of intelligence, and to discuss the three abilities of practical intelligence-to adapt, to shape, and to select their situations. The author analyzed all tools to measure practical intelligence, and discussed which one is suitable to measure practical intelligence of dealing with sexual harassment. According to different definitions of sexual harassment and how to happen, the author discussed the three abilities of practical intelligence how to operate, and how to deal with sexual harassment. At last, the author discussed the difference of sexual education between the Western and Taiwan, and the author also provided some suggestions to think what can we do to prove these situations.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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