


Exploring Young Men's Experience of Being Fat-Starting from the Usage of Fat Men in PTT Online Forum "Fatworld"


郝天行(Tien-Hsing Hao)


男性 ; 身體 ; 身體意象 ; 肥胖 ; Men ; Body ; Body Image ; Fat




2卷2期(2011 / 07 / 01)


23 - 49






Whereas the body image and experience of overweight women have been wildly discussed, the experience of fat men is seldom studied. The aim of this paper is to explore young men's experience of being fat by understanding fat men's usage of PTT online forum ”Fatworld,” the biggest discussion board on ”fat” topics in Taiwan.Fat men do not participate as actively as fat women in the ”Fatworld,” which is open for users of all gender. There are two main causes, one is: the belief that ”Men shouldn't be too weak or emotional” limits their willingness to share their feelings of social stigma. The other is: men's clothing information is much lesser than women's. Research result also shows that there are men whose bodies considered as ”normal size” feel themselves ”being too fat.” For those men, being ”big” doesn't link to the ideal masculinity, overall, fat is a threat to the construction of masculinity for young men.The understanding of fat men's usage in ”Fatworld” suggests that some fat men have been subjected to the stereotype masculinity and they are more easily to constrain their negative feelings about being fat, which may make their pressure of being fat seems invisible, meanwhile the possibility of bonding and developing discourses as the replication toward the dominating thought of body image is dim.The clothing consumption in everyday life is another theme. All clothing styles are incorporated in standardized production. Though we may agree that consumers may have their agency in usage, for example, to show self identity by dressing, on the other hand, fat people are eliminated in the first place by body size. Living in the consuming society, men's fashion is more highlighted, men are more aware of their body image. When the big-size female clothing information is getting richer, that of fat men's is still lake, which is a frustration for fat men. The meaning of ”being fat” needs to be explored in the context of an individuals everyday life. Structurally, ”fat” is becoming an anxiety for all gender.Fat is not just women's issue. This research focuses on the ”fat experience” of young heterosexual Han men in Taiwan; to explore the ”experience of being fat,” more research considered other factors of identity is needed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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