
World food production contributes to and is affected by the climate change: internet educational and informative resources on greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture


Aldo T. Marrocco


Educational resources ; agricultural emissions ; organic matter ; nitrogen fertiliser ; anaerobic digestion of manure




10卷2期(2018 / 09 / 01)


173 - 188




The paper presents documents, downloadable for free from internet that analyse both how agriculture contributes to climate change, and the consequences that this latter has on food production. Such documents can also be used by the teachers for teaching units in the schools. Livestock production alone accounts for 18% of the global emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG), while 21% is that of the whole agricultural sector. In fact, the digestive systems of livestock, both ruminants and not, emit methane which strongly contributes to the emissions. A large share of GHG emissions are related to deforestation activities aimed at producing fodder for animals and feedstock for biofuel production. Sometimes deforestation activities are carried out in peatlands. Here the emissions are greatly intensified by the burning or the degradation of the organic soils, constituted by thick layers of plant material accumulated over thousands of years. Conversely, the possibility of increasing the organic matter content of the soils through agricultural practices described in the papers presented hereafter, allows the sequestration of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. An important reduction of nitrous oxide emissions may be obtained through a correct use of nitrogen fertilisers and a reduction in their leaching. Some papers provide an overview of the economic aspects that often influence a correct management of fertilisers. Anaerobic digestion of manure may reduce GHG emissions, improving at the same time the quality of life of the people. In fact, anaerobic digestion of manure results in the production of both methane and digestate, the former used as a source of renewable energy, the latter as a fertiliser. Several documents deal with experiences aimed at reducing methane emissions in rice farming. Other documents deal with energy use and GHG emissions related, e.g. to tilling, agrochemical production, food processing and packaging. A few papers deal with consumer choices that may contribute to energy and emissions savingthat, of course, include areduction of food waste in affluent countries.

主题分类 工程學 > 市政與環境工程
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