Five types of hazards, meteorological disaster, earthquake, volcanic disaster, geological disaster and marine calamity, are the major natural disasters in Japan. All above may simultaneously interact with each other, thus turning into compound disasters that lead to catastrophic damage. A calamitous event with the death toll over 50 is taking place every 1.6 year as estimated. Typhoon, heavy rain, earthquake and tsunami are the most common, yet serious causes, which is highly associated with the geographic location and natural environment of Japan. Japan's legislative framework for the reduction of risk from natural disaster, which consists of the 「Disaster Countermeasures Basic Act」 passed in 1961, covers a wide range of disaster-related issues such as early warning, emergency response, recovery and reconstruction. Japan Meteorological Agency used to issue two kinds of early warnings for natural disasters: "advisories" (注意報 chuuihou) and "warnings" (警報 keihou). In 2013, a three-classed system with the newly added "special warnings" (特別警報 tokubetsu keihou) was introduced after the 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku (a.k.a. The Great East Japan Earthquake). As for the warning strategies, there are Earthquake Early Warning, Tsunami Warning System , Emergency Warning System (radio and TV broadcasts) and also known as EEW , TWS and EWS respectively.