Coral reefs provide important ecosystem services that include coastal protection; on average they dissipate 97% of the energy of storm waves that would otherwise impact shorelines. This article presents documents that analyse the causes of the well-known decline of these ecosystems, their conservation and restoration. The documents presented consist of text, images, graphs and video that can be downloaded for free from the internet. Teachers can use such informative and educational resources for teaching units about this subject, if they like and with the method felt as most appropriate. Corals are globally threatened by, e.g. ocean acidification, sea level rise, increasing temperatures, overfishing and poor water quality. Some articles presented in this article analyse cases where corals exhibit potential for survival while, according to other quoted documents, the decline seems inevitable. A few papers deal with transplantation of corals. Some documents may help the reader to learn the importance, for health and survival of coral reefs, of a natural balance between species and good water quality. However, a significant and quick reduction of global emissions is the essential step if the loss of coral reefs and their ecosystem services is to be avoided.
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