Recently the construction companies response the problems of low birth rate and aging of population. And the construction mechanization in reducing human resources of engineering fields is the trend strategy development in order to speed up the convenience of engineering executions. Nevertheless, the soil and water conservation engineering are located deep in the mountain areas mostly, and also the environment features of torrent engineering are combined with narrow, small and steep roadway. Besides, the low budget, short time limit and narrow space for project are also the engineering surrounding field characteristics. Therefore, considering the approach difficulties of the lifting facilities to the work fields, the contractors use the excavators to lift goods as the main machines and tools. But the excavators are second-hand in Taitung area, and most of them are also lack of the OEM design charts to prove the machine itself can do lifting operation. Taitung Branch of Soil and Water Conservation Bureau in order to qualify the lifting ability of those second-hand excavators, the Branch supposes the lifting excavators as the movable crane. Those identifications are based on the official "Safety Rules of Crane and Elevators". This paper presents the trial runs of the 10 excavators which were depended on the IOSH's "Study of the Feasibility Analysis and Safety Criterions of Excavator in Lifting Operations". The pilot experiments were carried the most harsh conditions to test the 10 excavators lifting operation. The results shows that there is no occupational safety issues during 2020-2022 which is the identification limit time. In the future, in order to push the identification process, the qualification of assignment units should be considered in advance. The laws and regulations of excavator lifting operation authorities should follow the example of developed countries to set up a rule or basic guide for the construction relative units to follow.
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