
The Flow of True Language Meaning-Applying Conversation Analysis Approach to Illustrate the Language Mechanism in the Script of "Friends"






譚美珍(Mei-Chen Tan)


會話分析 ; 文本符碼 ; 語言學 ; 語言機制 ; conversation analysis (CA) ; discourse marker ; linguistics ; language mechanism




36卷2期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 26




傳統教學法運用詞彙、文法及語音分析來詮釋文本結構。然而言談分析基本上著重語言及其在社會情境使用時的關係。言談分析是關於語言在一般日常的使用以及強調句子的意涵。這篇研究主要檢視口語文本裡語言學的成份,並進一步分析它們在意義傳遞上的功能。真實生活對話的相關例句解釋這些策略turn-taking, back-channels, hedges, fillers, discourse markers, pause and hesitation的使用。對話取材於情境喜劇六人行,並用來詮釋語言機制的運作。會話分析揭露真實生活對話,並且幫助理解在特定情況下的對話的真正含意。這篇研究肯定言談分析在一個流暢的溝通中的重要角色。對於以英語為外國語言的英文老師而言,言談分析可以延伸其教學法朝向更多元化的發展並增進教學的效果。


Discourse analysis, differing from traditional pedagogy which teaches text structures in lexical, grammatical and phonological analysis, is fundamentally concerned with the relationship between language and its use in the social context. It is about language in everyday use and is above the sentence. This paper examines mainly the linguistic elements from spoken text and further analyses their functions in meaning dissemination. Turn-taking, back-channels, hedges, fillers, discourse markers, pause and hesitation devices are exemplified and demonstrated in real dialogues. The dialogues are extracted from the script of the sitcom Friends to illustrate how language mechanisms work. Conversation analysis is used to disclose how 'natural' talk works in context and makes sense of what is said in specific circumstances. This paper confirms that conversation analysis plays a critical role in the construction of a coherent communication. Also, EFL (English as a foreign language) teachers can extend their language pedagogy to use it as an aid to English teaching.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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