This study examines the ex-dividend date and the payment date determined by Taiwanese corporations from 2002 to 2013, coupled with investigating a U.S. sample taken from 2005. We show that according to the U.S. sample the duration ranged from 2 to 105 days, with a mode of 16 days, a median of 18 days, and a mean of 18.89 days. They tend to go ex-dividend on Wednesdays and pay cash on Fridays. The periods for Taiwanese companies ranged from 6 to 582 days, with a mode of 28, a median of 29, and a mean of 32.22 days. Taiwanese firms tend to go ex-dividend on Thursdays and pay cash on Fridays. The distribution of U.S. durations tends to be normally distributed, while those in Taiwan reveal three concentrated points: around 22, 28, and 36 days. Using behavioral economics (including the notion of fairness, reference points, and status quo bias), we explain these anomalies. We propose an even-number effect, a weekly cycle effect, and a monthly cycle effect, based on the notion of behavioral economics instead of neoclassical economics, which employs principles of full rationality and maximization.
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