


Wine Affairs in LinAn City of Tales of WuLin


鄭雅芬(Ya-Fen Cheng)


周密 ; 武林舊事 ; 物質文化 ; 酒事 ; 斷片 ; ZhouMi ; Tales of WuLin ; material culture ; wine affairs ; fragment




38卷2期(2014 / 12 / 01)


1 - 11






ZhouMi was well - known as a scholar in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan dynasty. After the fall of Southern Song Dynasty, he didn't work as a government official. ZhouMi, a famous one among members of the literati, made efforts to gather Southern Song Dynasty materials for a new tome. Tales of WuLin was the most important opuscule of the huaben of ZhouMi, and written records showed the all aspects of the life Of LiAan city in the Southern Song Dynasty. A lot of chapters of the manual discoursed about the historical evolution of the wine including dialogue in imperial palace, folk tales, and conversation of intellectual men. Because innumerable writings had been written on wine culture in the book, it was worth to be discussed. Although wine culture was not a chapter in Tales of WuLin, these wine affairs as fragments will be examined in more detail in each chapter. When the fragments were combined with each others to analyze, the implication was discovered, the meaning of multi-culture of the wine matters. The thesis was based on material culture and cultural geography as main frame of reference. Wine affairs of LinAn City were explored in the Tales of WuLin from the wine ceremony in the royal palace, the winehouse in folklore, and learned men to make wine and study academic subjects. Research of wine affairs had focused on revealing the special scene and time background in LinAn City in the Southern Song Dynasty. Wine affairs of Tales of WuLin could help readers have a further understanding about the historical context of the Southern Song Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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