


The Creative Product Market Cluster- a Case Study of the Red House Market in Taipei Ximen


魏鸞瑩(Wei, Luan-Ying);曾相榮(Tseng, Shiang-Rong);藍浩元(Lan,Hao-Yuan);郭珮羽(Kuo,Pei-Yu)


創意市集 ; 產業群聚 ; 文創產業 ; creative product market ; industrial clustering ; cultural and creative industry




42卷(2019 / 07 / 01)


1 - 16






The Red House Market For Artists & Designers in Taipei Ximen formed by the cultural and creative clusters managed by Taipei Culture Foundation. The Foundation charge the development of creative activities to re-shape the creative content of the Red House to be a new creative space in Taipei city. Most tourists think the Red House is a historical building, with artistic activities and a lot of retro style of the goods, is a special and famous tour spot. The Red House has established itself as a major location for the development of cultural and creative industry in the west end of Taipei city. The artists and designers sale very novel and innovative goods to attract crowds who interesting in the art. The organizer, Taipei Culture Foundation, is dedicated to incubating creative brands. The Red House Market For Artists & Designers refreshes the history-rich Red House look by connecting its creative spaces with the century-old Octagon Building. In this study, the case study method is used to explore whether the creative market has the benefits of industrial clustering and the differences of operational model in other creative clusters. The main purpose of this study is to find out the interactive pattern among artists, designers, customer, and Taipei Culture Foundation in The Red House Market to be the reference of other Creative Product Market.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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