


The Research on Teaching Design and Learning Achievement of Importing Outcome-Based Learning


賴淑芳(Shu-Fang Lai)


成果導向學習 ; 學習投入 ; 流通管理 ; 學習成效 ; Outcome-Based Learning ; Learning Engagement ; Distribution management ; Learning Achievement




42卷(2019 / 07 / 01)


45 - 61




近年來隨著少子化趨勢,台灣地區學生人數大幅下降,也間接使得各大專院校的招生狀況大受影響,尤其是對私立科技大學的衝擊更為嚴峻。隨著學生人數之減少及入學門檻的降低,學生素質及學習動機亦有明顯的落差,故近年來各大專院校無不積極地尋思如何經由教學設計與多元教學方法的引進,以提升學生學習動機及學習意願,並期能進而提升學生的學習成效。本研究之目的在於導入成果導向學習(Outcome-Based Learning;OBL)的教學方法,經由課程規劃與教學方法的調整,進而評估學生的學習成效,期能作為提升教學品質與教學精進之參考。本研究以科技大學流通管理系大一及大二學生為研究對象,針對流通專業科目,應用學習投入量表(Learning Engagement Scale)評估學生的學習投入,並以課程滿意度及教學品質保證意見調查,進行學習成效的綜合評估。經由描述性統計及平均數檢定,本研究結果顯示,有無導入成果導向學習的課程設計,學生的學習投入及對課程學習的滿意程度皆達顯著差異,導入成果導向學習課程之得分明顯優於未導入者。本研究亦發現,雖然透過課前完善的教學設計、課中多元教學方法的配合,以及明確的課程評分準則界定,確實能激發學生的學習投入與成效,但學生在表現及態度構面的得分,會隨著學期的進行有些微的下降,雖然未達顯著差異,但亦顯示學期中後段時,有必要考量教學方法與內容上的適度變化,並加強課堂學習氣氛的營造,以利學習投入狀況之維持。


Recently, with the trend of declining birthrate, the number of students in Taiwan has dropped drastically, which indirectly has greatly affected the enrollment status of colleges and universities. The impact on private University of Science and Technology is even more severely. With the decrease in the number of students and the lowering of the admission threshold, there is also a significant gap in student's quality and learning motivation. Therefore, in recent years, colleges and universities have been actively thinking about how to enhance student's learning motivation, willingness and outcome through instructional design and multi-teaching methods. This study arms to introduce the method of Outcome-Based Learning (OBL), through the adjustment of curriculum planning and teaching methods, and then evaluate the learning outcomes of students. And it hopes to be a useful enhance for improving teaching quality and achieving excellence. This study is based on the freshman and sophomore students of the Department of Distribution Management of the University of Science and Technology, and focus on the professional subjects as well. And comprehensive assessment of learning outcomes is engaged, including the Learning Engagement Scale for evaluates students' effort on learning input, and supplemented by teaching satisfaction survey and teaching quality assurance survey. Through descriptive statistics and t-test, the results of this study show that there is a significant difference in the degree of satisfaction between the students' learning input and the course learning, and the scores of the outcome-based learning courses are significantly better than those non-outcomes base learning. This study also found that although through the perfect teaching design before classes, the cooperation of multiple teaching methods, and the definition of clear course scoring criteria can really stimulate students' learning input and effectiveness, but as the semester progresses, the scores for students' performance and attitude also drop gradually. In spite of there is no significant difference, it also hints that in the middle and late part of the semester, it is necessary to consider the modest changes in teaching methods and content, and to strengthen the classroom learning atmosphere to facilitate the maintenance of learning input.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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