


The Reflective Teaching in the Implementation of ElementaryEnglish Integrated Curriculum in Holistic Approach






整合型 ; 課程統整 ; 教學冒思 ; holistic approach ; integrated curriculum ; reflective teaching




20期(2009 / 12 / 01)


107 - 134




本研究從整合型英語課程統整的觀點來看國小六年級學生英外語(the target language)的學習,旨在透過多元及統整的方式,提升學童對英語的學習興趣,採用行動研究方法,藉由實際觀察法、省思日誌、研究札記和訪談法,以探究英語統整課程實施之教學省思,藉以修正調整教學,活動內容包括:主題式課程(學科內統整)、主題式課程(跨學科統整)、故事中心課程(生活統整)以及融入議題式的統整。此外,研究者在教學過程中隨時省思、檢視學生是否能充分發揮聽、說、讀、寫的技巧外,並能在不同情境中和他人互動,聯結相關的學習經驗。研究發現:(一)英語統整課程的啟動機制始於學生的學習動機與背景知識(二)多元及動態評量符合實際教學情境(三)教學省思促使研究者對英語課程統整脈絡情境提出合宜的判斷與修正。文末並提供未來可行研究方向及相關建議。


This study takes elementary sixth grade students' learning of the target language in a holistic approach. The purpose of this study was to increase students' motivation in learning English and broadens their knowledge in the implementation of integrated curriculum. The action research was to study through files analysis and interviews to inquiry the reflective teaching, which is to revise, adjust teaching activities and hope that can promote the effectiveness of teaching. There were four ways of integrated curriculum:(1) thematic curriculum (disciplinary)(2) thematic curriculum (inter-disciplinary) (3) story- centered curriculum (4) issue-included curriculum to reflect the improvement of students' language ability, the relationship with classmates and teaching activities in this article. The researcher has found that: (1) the implementation of English integrated curriculum begins with students' motivation and prior knowledge;(2) It is appropriate to take multiple and dynamic assessments in English integrated curriculum; (3) Relfective teaching promotes researcher to take proper judgement and revisement in the social context. In the end of the study the researcher offered referenced suggestions.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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