


The Improvement of After-school Care and Education Module Curriculum of Early Childhood Care and Education Department: A Teacher's Reflective Study




潘世尊(Thie-Tzuen Pan)


課後托育 ; 模組課程 ; 反省性探究 ; after-school care and education ; module curriculum ; reflective study




25期(2012 / 06 / 01)


115 - 152






In recent years, after-school care and education has become more common and important, and parents stress importance on teacher quality. Accordingly, the author conducted a reflective study of after-school care and education module curriculum at the Early Childhood Care and Education Department where he had been teaching, so as to better cultivate excellent professionals of after-school care and education. In order to achieve this goal, the author first reflected on its planning reasons and then obtained necessary data via curriculum and practicum meetings, interviews, discussions, investigating contents of other schools' after-school care and education module curriculum, and collecting relevant literature. Through comparing and contrasting these data, the author disclosed the problems hidden in the module curriculum and developed improvement programs on the aspects of both ”skill indicator” and ”curriculum content”. Further, through communicative interviews of the ”key teachers” in the department and the approval of curriculum development committee, the improvement programs can be implemented. Afterward the author surveyed the opinions of practitioners through questionnaire, discussing with colleagues teaching related disciplines and submitting the re-improvement programs to curriculum development committee based on the results of the survey, and re-enhanced the integrity of after-school care and education module curriculum and made it more possible to accomplish presupposed objects. Educators who are interested in after-school care and education can reference this paper's exploration method, process and results to develop suitable module curriculum for their own individual department, in order to increase students' employment competitiveness and adaptive development opportunities as well as accord with the emphasis the Ministry of Education places on module curriculum.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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