


Examining the Impact of Competitive Funding on University's Development




范麗雪(Li-Hsueh Fan)


競爭性經費 ; 績效導向 ; 大學發展 ; competitive funding ; erformance-oriented ; university's development




26期(2012 / 12 / 01)


103 - 123






With the limited higher education funding, accountability of universities become the important issue. Competitive funding is an instrument used by government to improve the university's competitiveness. This study firstly analyzes competitive funding by literature review. Secondly, this paper interviews the government department, principals of university and university scholars to understand their experience and opinions about the impact of competitive funding on university's development. The four main results are as follows: 1. competitive funding is the means to respond the global competition of higher education, 2. competitive funding brings the reputation and create positive circle, 3. competitive funding enforce universities to follow governmental goals, 4. competitive funding arise the side effect in the behavior of faculty and the university's development. The main argument of this paper is that competitive funding is merely a tool of improving the university's competitiveness, faculty qualifications is the key factor for university's long term development.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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