


A Study on Elementary Education Reforms Impact to the Practice of Principal's Leadership




王素貞(Su-Chen Wang);蕭國倉(Kuo-Tsang Hsiao);楊銀興(Ying-Hsing Yang)


教育變革措施 ; 校長領導權 ; 家長參與學校教育事務 ; 新制校務會議 ; education reforms ; school principal's leadership ; parents' participation to education affairs ; new form of school conference




26期(2012 / 12 / 01)


71 - 102






The goal of this research was to explore: how did the educational reforms affect the practice of school principal leadership in central Taiwan?The research method applied in this paper involved both questionnaire survey and individual interview. The subjects were 551 Public elementary principles in Taichung City, Changhua county, and Nantou county. 5 of them (whom were in their position before July 31st, 1999) were chosen as interviewees. The conclusions based on the research were below:1. Teacher's association does affect school principals authority Top 2 item during education reformation phase were: Agreements on above-quota teachers (52.1%); agreements on reducing teacher's classes (51.1%).2. The participation of parents to school affairs does affect principal's authority Top 2 item during education reformation phase were: Parents' demand to specific class/teacher for their children (76.4%); parents' petitions on changing unfit teachers (56.1%).3. New form of school conference does affect principle's authority Top 4 item during education reformation phase were: Positive consensus is the main method applied in conference, school principal has no right to deny; school principle is responsible for the execution of the policy (70.4%); benefits of the members involved are primary consideration, it could boycott administrative policies (55.6%); Pre-discussion hold between opinion leaders affects the objectivity of conference discussion (50.6%); no objective standard for defining ”important” issue, it brings up confliction between principal's authority and school conference's limits of authority (50.6%).

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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