


Analyzing the Conduction of "Pre-school Temporary Curriculum Guideline" in Light of Policy Execution and Assessment




林思騏(LIN, Si-Qi)


幼兒園教保活動課程大綱 ; 政策執行 ; 政策評估 ; Pre-school Temporary Curriculum Guideline ; Policy Execution ; Policy Assessment




34期(2016 / 12 / 01)


31 - 56






This paper attempts to understand the key factors for the actualization of the policy of "Pre- School Temporary Curriculum Guideline" in terms of "post-positivism of policy execution" and to examine the conduction of "Curriculum Guideline" in kindergartens with the analytical perspectives of responding, constructing and assessing. It shows that there are pros and cons of conducting this policy. Supporters claim that utilizing this curriculum guideline could be helpful to review their own decision of curriuclum design and to develop a more comprehensive vision of curriculum. Comparatively, the oppositions do not argue against the content of the policy. The unequal allocation of educational resource, the instability of the operation of kindergarten, the uncertainity of new curriculum and the potentially numerous increasing of workload are the main external factors of their unwilling to corporate with the integration of the policy into their teaching. This paper finds that the most powerful strength to innovate and transform curriculums are not no more from scholars with rhetoric power, but from those pre-school teachers and personnel in different fields who are all genuinely concerned about the well-being of children.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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