


A Compilation of a Servant Leadership Scale for Junior High School Principals and Its Application




黃文三(HUANG, Wen-San);沈碩彬(SHEN, Shuo-Pin)


二階因素模式 ; 服務領導 ; 國中校長 ; 校長領導 ; second-order factor model ; servant leadership ; junior high school




35期(2017 / 06 / 01)


143 - 171




本研究旨在建構一份有良好信度與效度的國中校長服務領導量表,並用以分析國中校長服務領導的情形。經分層隨機抽樣國中教師,進行項目分析、信 度分析與多種效度分析,以考驗量表的適用性,也應用所得量表分析國中教師知覺校長服務領導情形。獲得研究發現包括:(一)國中校長服務領導可分為真誠關懷、賦權增能、型塑願景、覺察倡導、建立社群等五構面;(二)國中 校長服務領導因素結構可以二階因素模式表示,具有良好的信度和效度;(三)教師認為國中校長服務領導以「賦權增能」層面表現最好,在「真誠關懷」和「覺察倡導」層面需要加強;(四)男性、兼主任職位、資深教師最肯定校長的服務領導表現;(五)大型學校校長或初任校長的服務領導表現較佳。根據結論,提出建議俾供國中校長、教師及未來研究之參考。


This study aims to construct a reliable and valid servant leadership scale for junior high school principals and to analyze the status of servant leadership for junior high school principals. Chosen through stratified random sampling, junior high school teachers were examined with item analysis, reliability analysis, and several validity analysis to test the applicability of the scale. Then, the scale was applied to collect teachers’ opinion about the status of principals’ servant leadership. The major findings are as follows: 1) The servant leadership of junior high school principals can be divided into authentic concern, empowering and energizing, shaping vision, awareness and advocacy, and building the community; 2) The factor structure of principals’ servant leadership can be represented as a second-order factor model with an excellent reliability and validity; 3) Teachers thought that principals performed best in "empowering and energizing" but still need to strengthen in "authentic concern" and "awareness and advocacy"; 4) Male, director, or experienced teachers expressed more affirmation to their principal’s servant leadership. 5) Large schools or the newly-appointed principals performed more robust ability in servant leadership. Based on the results, suggestions are offered for junior high principals, teachers, and future researchers.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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