


Developing a Reflective Journal Writing-Learning- Based Curriculum of Sustainable Seafood Issues




周鴻騰(CHOU, Hong-Teng)


永續海鮮 ; 反思日誌寫作 ; 反思的消費者 ; Sustainable Seafood ; Reflective Jurnal Writing ; Reflexive Consumer




38期(2018 / 12 / 01)


1 - 30






This research aims to explore a reflective journal writing-learning-based curriculum of sustainable seafood issues has contributed to the changes of reflective ability in the learning process for college students in a marine environmental education general course. This study population was 84 students, it adopts case study to collect reflective journal writing lesson, teaching video record, teaching log and course feedback questionnaire were used to evaluate the students’ learning process. In terms of research results, the use of reflective journal writing can deepen students' specific experience description, problem analysis and reasoning, and ability to improve problems. Furthermore, we summarize main findings. (1)The main education objective of the clean coastal beaches is to "consumers implement the reduction of plastic waste voluntarily." (2)The visit to the fishing port is to learn that "consumers self-awakening, implement sustainable seafood guide, and support recreational fisheries" to maintain the sustainable use of marine resources. (3) "Excellent catering industry case" as a scaffolding helps students practice sustainable seafood consumption. (4)Accompany with students to experience the thinking process of "from shallow to deep, from knowledge to action". (5)Increase learn opportunity of "connecting with the local harbor" for students. (6)Encourage students to face the "dilemma problem" in marine issues and propose a more creative and sustainable action plan. Based on these findings, further implications about teaching in future studies are suggested.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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