At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 broke out, many countries announced the suspension of classes, and encouraged teachers to teach students online. As a teacher trainer, the first author had made early preventive measures in response to the suspension of classes that may be encountered at any time due to COVID-19 epidemic in Taiwan, and had taught two classes of students who took "Principles of Instruction" by Google Meet online teaching in April 2020. Researchers concerned about how to integrate teacher-student interaction rather than one-way teaching in online teaching, therefore, this study was intended to explore the teacher-student interaction in online teaching from the perspective of social presence. The research subjects were 106 students who took the first author's class in the second semester of the 108 academic year and agreed to participate in the research. We collected material such as online teaching videos of Google Meet, student feedback after classes and social presence scale to analyze. The results showed that 1. The most commonly used affective, cohesive, and interactive indicators by the teacher in online teaching process are self-disclosure & values, vocatives & group references, and asking questions. 2. In the synchronous online teaching environment, the teacher and students can disclose themselves to each other, which can establish and consolidate the close relationship and sense of trust. 3. Asking questions was the main way for the teacher and students to establish and maintain interaction. 4. The teacher used teaching strategies of three social presence indicators which can make students feel comfortable in the messaging interaction and discussion in Google Meet online teaching, and promote discussion. It helped teachers and students to interact and enhance the quality of teaching.
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