More and more elementary schools in remote areas conduct multi-grade teaching (MT) to address the issues of low birth rates. Most of the schools implement MT in subjects with a weak structure of knowledge. Only a few schools conduct MT with a strong structure of knowledge, such as mathematics. Research on MT in mathematics is burgeoning. Thus, this case study explored the implementation of MT in mathematics in two schools in a remote area to learn the challenges, opportunities, and implications. Data collections included lesson observations, lesson plans, worksheets, interview transcripts, and fieldnotes. The researcher applied constant comparison and inductive analysis to analyze the collected data. Research findings suggest that, firstly, the vital challenges of MT occurred in the design and implementation of the cyclic math curriculum to meet students with varied learning readiness. Secondly, the teachers did not set up differentiated learning goals and did not take advantage of multi-grade collaborative learning. Thirdly, the teachers' teaching benefited from the local education bureau's and the school administrations' supports; however, the teacher workshops conducted by the educational administrations did not benefit multi-grade teaching. Last but not least, although the cyclic math curriculum is a significant difficulty and burden for the case teachers, it is the opportunity for promoting case teachers' Differentiated Instruction. This study provides suggestions for in-service teachers' professional development and pre-service teachers' program design.
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