


The Study of Sports Note Facebook Fan Page User Involvement and Participation


郭怡伶(I-Ling Kuo)


社群網站 ; 運動筆記 ; Facebook粉絲專頁 ; 涉入程度 ; social network sites ; ports note ; Facebook fan page ; involvement




6期(2015 / 04 / 01)


11 - 22




自1960年代Marshall McLuhan(1964)提出地球村的概念後,數十年間網際網路不斷地快速發展,打破地域與時間上的限制,人們的互動因此更加方便,也進而帶動社群服務的需求日益增加。社群網站Facebook,很容易召集一群人並且以多媒體呈現方式,生動地分享彼此活動樂趣(郭豐洲,2013),研究者發現運動筆記粉絲頁更是用「回饋」、「參與感」與「立即性分享」這三大要素抓住跑友粉絲們的心,成功吸引群眾的注意。進而影響粉絲們對路跑的涉入和運動參與。當今網路行動裝置普及,讓人們上網時間不斷增加,彼此因為這條無形的線拉近了距離,透過社群網路低成本、高傳播的特性,將品牌、運動、觀念,甚至個人運動記錄等訊息傳達地無遠弗屆,產生極高的曝光率,進而可提升運動賽事的宣傳,吸引群眾對於運動的參與。本文綜整了國內、外相關文獻及運動粉絲專頁介紹,初步探討運動粉絲專頁和群眾涉入和參與運動行為之關係,未來在運動產業中若能有效將運動與網路結合,對於台灣體育運動的推展上,希能有所助益。


Since the 1960's Marshall McLuhan (1964) after submitting the concept of the global village, few decades continuously rapid development of the Internet, geographical and time limitations, people's interaction and therefore more convenient, and drive increasing demand for services in the community.Facebook is easy to gather a group of people and a multimedia presentation, vividly shared activities (Guo,Feng-Zhou, 2013).Researcher found that Sports note fan page is referred to by "giving back", "participation" and "immediate share" these three elements. It can hold runners fans hearts, and success in attracting people's attention. And then to influence Sports note fans involvement and sports participation.Today network action device universal, let people internet time constantly increased. Each other get closer and closer because this article intangible of line. Through community network low cost and high spread of characteristics. Brand, movement, concept, and even personal movement records, are extend all over the globe. It was produced very high of exposure rate, then upgrade movement events of propaganda, and attract masses for movement of participation. This comprehensive whole domestic and foreign literature and the sports fan page introduction, explore sports fan page and relationship of involvement and participation of the masses. In the future, if sport industry can be effectively combined with sports and network. It may help Taiwan sport industry to propagate sports.

主题分类 人文學 > 地理及區域研究
醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
社會科學 > 體育學