


Tomb, Corpse and Pharmakon: The Demonic Imagery used by the Crescent Poets Xu Zhimo, Wen Yiduo and Zhu Xiang




劉正忠(Zheng-Zhong Liu)


徐志摩 ; 聞一多 ; 朱湘 ; 新月詩人 ; 現代漢詩 ; 魔怪意象 ; Xu Zhimo ; Wen Yiduo ; Zhu Xiang ; the Crescent poets ; Modern Chinese poetry ; Demonic imagery




2期(2008 / 12 / 01)


119 - 160






This article tries to explore a seldom discussed issue of the aesthetic styles of modern Chinese poetry in the transformation process by taking three Crescent poets Xu Zhimo, Wen Yiduo and Zhu Xiang as objects of study. It carries out an integrated observation of both cultural spirits and poetic metaphors. Demonic imagery is the axis of the whole article. Some paradoxical topics are discussed: First, the tomb-like womb - it is of the poets' feelings on space toward declining mother land. There are love and hatred complicatedly weaving together just as gods and demons both exist in this special space. Second, the rotten body experience - it is the poets' depression and melancholy occurring when the lyric-self had no way out to change the reality and yet the artistic tendency of excessive decoration seemed to put on outer garments on corpses. Third, pharmakon-like language - it is the mixture of the poets' resentment and salvation, caused by the transfigurative subjects under the pressure of this era. Therefore, a brand-new poetic paradigm was developed. All these topics are important for us to understand the development of modern Chinese poetry and provide a new perspective for us to measure the influence of the Crescent poets.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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