


From Blending, Interfering, and Derivation toward Indifferentiation, Diversion, and Dispatch: Reflection on the History of Lyrical Literature and the Literature History as an Integral Whole




顏崑陽(Kun-Yang Yen)


抒情傳統 ; 抒情文學史 ; 完境文學史 ; 歷史性 ; 社會性 ; 存在情境 ; lyrical tradition ; history of lyrical literature ; history of literature as an integral whole ; historicality ; sociality ; field of existence




3期(2009 / 12 / 01)


113 - 154






In the 1970s, Chen Shih-hsiang, the sinologist who traveled to the U.S., proposed his theory of ”lyrical tradition” in Chinese literature. This theory had a profound impact on how the Taiwanese and U.S. academic communities viewed the characteristics and history of Chinese literature. Around the same time, in Mainland China, dogmatic Marxism became the ideological framework used to write the history of Chinese literature. Both Chen's ”lyrical tradition” and the Marxist framework oversimplified the multi-faceted structure and complex historical development of traditional Chinese literature. In addition to critiquing these two positions, this paper introduces a theoretical concept -”the history of literature as an integral whole” - which opens a type of vista for creative interpretation. It is hoped that this concept will be able to reconstruct the history of Chinese traditional literature more fruitfully.The foundational hypothesis informing this theoretical concept is that literary authors produce their texts in a threefold field of historical and social existence. The first fold concerns the field of existence determined by ”territorial nationality”; the second fold refers to ”social stratum”; and the third fold denotes the ”literary community.” Moreover, these three fields of existence are delimited by space and time; that is, by ”culture and tradition”. We call the first two folds ”the fields of social and cultural existence,” and the last fold ”the field of literary existence.” Each fold is part of an integral situation that blends, interacts, and evolves through various conceptual and experiential, as well as subjective and objective factors. For a literary author, inevitably, this threefold field of existence not only overlaps and blends in a static structure, it further interacts and evolves in a dynamic process. In the final step, the author employs the symbolic form of the text to present an understandable and interpretable ”field of literary existence.” In the transformation from ”the field of social and cultural existence” to that of ”literary existence,” and in its presentation in the symbolic form of the text, the key factor is the ”literary mind.”The construction of the ”history of literature as an integral whole” takes this theory as its basis. To put it into practice, one must give consideration to both literary authors and the threefold field of existence informing their production of texts. One must also effectively interpret the structure and process of how the fields blend, interact with each other, evolve, and further how they are separated, classified, and distributed.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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