


The Aesthetical Characteristics of Lament and Condolence as Literary Genres




柯慶明(Ching-Ming Ko)


哀體 ; 弔體 ; 哀祭文類 ; 美感特質 ; 抒情傳統 ; Ai (lament) genre ; Diao (condolence) genre ; genre of elegy ; aesthetics ; lyrical tradition




3期(2009 / 12 / 01)


191 - 237






This paper elucidates the writing strategies and corresponding aesthetic characteristics found in the two literary genres of ai 哀 (lament) and diao 弔(condolence). Works within the literary genre of ai mainly present the author's compassion for people who came to an untimely end. In the evolution of the genre, the individuals being mourned expanded from children and women to people who died prematurely before they were given a chance to bring their talents into full play. The mourning of the deceased was not constrained by propriety and justice, but rather stemmed from the emotions, and the author often stressed his/her nostalgia for the joys of life and his/her understanding of the inevitable cruelty of fate.The literary genre of diao can be viewed as another type of writing about nostalgia for the past. Death is tragic; thus, in addition to expressing profound grief, diao also contemplate decisions about life and death, and thereby indirectly reflect the writer's own identity and ethical dilemmas. The lyrical property of both ai and diao depends upon the description of the life of the deceased; therefore, the temporal dimension can be broadened. From the perspective of ”narrative” and ”lyrics”, even though ai lays particular stress on ”lyrics” while diao pays more attention to ”narrative”, these two genres are different from more common forms of lyrical poetry with regards to the elaboration of ”lyrical self” and ”lyrical moment”. Therefore, contemporary theories of lyrical tradition that desire to include both genres need to be considered with the utmost care.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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