


On Poetry and History: Re-considering the Historical Aspect of the Concept of Shishi and Its Narrative Turn




蔡英俊(Ying-Chun Tsai)


詩史 ; 歷史纂述 ; 小說 ; 敘述模式 ; 身分與認同 ; Shishi ; lyrical self ; narrative self ; historiography ; identity




3期(2009 / 12 / 01)


239 - 271






The aim of the present paper is to reconsider the historical character of the concept of Shishi (詩史)and its narrative turn. In view of the future development of the narrative mode and model in the field of contemporary literature, I first propose to re-examine the possible implications of the concept of Shishi within the context of the classical Chinese poetic tradition, especially within that of the Ming-Qing transition period. Under the concept of Shishi, classical Chinese poets tended to make poetry a kind of writing that is meant not to illustrate certain historical events in a narrative mode, but instead to present their own moral and political judgments on these events. Against such a cultural background, I then venture to provide a viable theoretical framework, which is based on the theories of the narrative self, for our further investigation. In so far as the conception of the narrative self is concerned, the question of the self is also closely related to that of cultural memory and of identity. Therefore, following the approaches proposed by Paul Ricoeur as well as by Alasdair MacIntyre to define and describe the nature of the self, I also ask a possible and positive alternative to classical ways of thinking on the problems concerning poetry, cultural memory, and identity. The self is, or at least in part, constituted through our relations and interactions with others. Still more, since the self and its life is always set and bound up with its historicity, the self can best be regarded as the product of a narrative by the practice of story-telling. A narrative understanding of the self is needed in order to capture the complexity of the self in the field of everyday life as well as in that of literary writings. In making such a claim, I finally propose to reconsider existing lyrical-moral frameworks, shifting our focus of meaning away from a purely authorial perspective and toward an analysis of the web of human relationships.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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