


Yi yang zhi qi, the Muladhara Chakra and the Learning of Extremities: An Exploration of Issues Related to Luo Jinxi's "Natural Kindness"




張美娟(Mei-Chuan Chang)


羅近溪 ; 赤子之心 ; 一陽之氣 ; 海底紅輪 ; 四肢學問 ; Luo Jinxi ; Natural Kindness ; Yi Yang Zhi Qi ; Muladhara Chakra ; Body Philosophy




4期(2010 / 12 / 01)


37 - 72






This essay explores the relationship between the three concepts of ”Yi yang zhi qi,” the ”Muladhara Chakra” and the ”Learning of Extremities” found in Luo Jinxi's writings and the concept of ”Natural Kindness,” which serves as the matrix of Luo's thought. The findings of this study are as follows: The myriad things of the cosmos are suffused with ”Yi yang zhi qi” (Energy Flow of One Yang), which is the pure yang that comes from the Supreme Ultimate (Taiji) of heaven and earth. This qi descends into the human body and forms the ”Muladhara Chakra,” which lies at the place of profoundly deep consciousness and becomes the ”Natural Conscience” of human beings. When humans are still children close to heaven, this ”Natural Kindness” can issue forth naturally. However, as people age and their desires increase, they become further removed from this realm of profound consciousness connected to the way of heaven. To restore the original state of harmony between man and heaven, Luo advocated the ”Self-cultivation” of ”Recovery,” the content of which is examined in this essay. Through submitting to the circling rhythm of the ”Classic Rule of Heaven”, the profound layer of ”Yi yang zhi qI and Natural Kindness” latent in the ”Muladhara Chakra” of the human body can ”Restore self-awareness” and circulate to the extremities. In this way, then, this paper not only clearly expounds the meaning of Luo's claim that ”True Learning Evolves from the Extremities,” but further sheds light on the close connection in Luo's writings between ”Yi yang zhi qi,” ”Muladhara Chakra,” the claim that ”True Learning Evolves from the Extremities” and the core concept of ”Pure Kindness.” It thus enables us to more deeply understand the associated implications derived from Luo's use of ”Natural Kindness” as a core concept. The key contribution and scholarly value of this study lies in this.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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