


"Subtle Words with Significant Meaning" in the "Records of the Grand Historian": Unifying the Narrative Techniques of "Writing Explicitly" and "Writing Obscurely"




林聰舜(Tsung-Shun Lin)


《史記》 ; 微言 ; 實錄 ; 書法不隱 ; "Records of the Grand Historian" ; subtle words ; veritable records ; writing explicitly




5期(2011 / 06 / 01)


89 - 121






In writing the ”Shiji” (”Records of the Grand Historian”), Sima Qian aimed to follow the tradition of Confucius's ”Chunqiu” (”Spring and Autumn Annals”). Therefore, Confucius's rhetorical style of weiyan dayi (subtle words with significant meaning) can also be found in the ”Shiji”, but in a much more vivid, and richer, manner. This essay focuses on the unification of the narrative techniques of ”writing explicitly” and ”writing obscurely” to examine how the ”Shiji” continued and developed the ”Chunqiu”'s use of weiyan dayi. Although the technique of weiyan dayi is employed in both texts, in the ”Shiji”, there is a subtlety that is nevertheless revealing, whereas in the ”Chunqiu” the truth is masked and historical facts are blurred. The ”Shiji” adheres to the principle of ”Calling-a-Spade-a-Spade” when recording affairs. Therefore, even though it uses the narrative technique of weiyan, the work nonetheless manages to achieve the ideal of ”writing explicitly.” This article also explores the different ways weiyan is used in the ”Shiji”, focusing on the narratives of the Emperors Gaodi and Wudi to explain how weiyan exposes hidden historical truth. Based on the firm foundation of the ”Calling-a-Spade-a-Spade” principle, the text attains a sophisticated level of historical reportage by achieving the goals of yuanshi chazhong (thorough investigation) and tong gujin zhi bian (having a thorough knowledge of changes from antiquity to the present). Because weiyan is a narrative technique that was employed within a high-pressure environment, it is natural that the texts using it reveal profound emotions and rich connotations, containing words or phrases replete with implied deep meanings. To comprehend this elusive text, readers of the ”Shiji” need to understand Sima Qians insight into history as well as the background context of weiyan. Therefore, in order to analyse and appreciate the achievement of the ”Shiji”, one must not only understand its content, but more importantly, its form.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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