


A Few Issues with Wang Bo's "Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng" and an Analysis of the Textual Differences between Prefaces to Poems by Wang Bo in Shosoin Treasure House and Wang Bo Ji zhu




道坂昭廣(Akihiro Michisaka)


正倉院 ; 《王勃詩序》 ; 文字差異 ; Shosoin Treasure House ; Prefaces to Poems by Wang Bo ; Textual differences




6期(2011 / 12 / 01)


115 - 134




正倉院保存著稱為《王勃集詩序》的抄本,從它「慶雲四年(707)」的年代記錄以及則天文字的使用可以看出,這有可能是抄寫王勃(650-676?)死後,附上楊炯的序而編纂的最初的《王勃集》序的部分。將此抄本與隆慶版《文苑英華》、以蔣清翊撰《王勃集注》等為首的中國現存的文集中的文字相比較,可以知道其中的文字有所不同。通過考察這些異同,有可能將《王勃集》復原到最初的形態。筆者首先以王勃的代表作〈秋日登洪府滕王閣餞別序〉(以後,略稱為〈滕王閣序〉)為例,對這一可能性進行考察。對於〈滕王閣序〉的研究中,有黃任軻先生〈〈滕王閣序〉疑義辨析〉(《文學研究叢刊》上海社會科學文學研究所編1984年)。此論文對於〈滕王閣序〉進行了詳細的分析,是非常很有意義的著作。然而遺憾的是,這篇文章沒有參考正倉院本。其後,也有陳偉強先生〈王勃〈滕王閣序〉校訂─兼談日藏卷子本王勃詩序〉(《書目季刊》(Bibliography Quarterly)第35卷第3期2001年)一文。本文將參考這些先行文獻進行考察。


Shosoin Treasure House owns a manuscript copy of Prefaces to Poems by Wang Bo. It is dated 707 (the 4th year of the Keiun era) and from the Zetian characters (Chinese characters mandated by Empress Wu) used in the text, we can ascertain that the copy was produced after the death of Wang Bo. An introduction by Yang Jiong was added to the preface of the original The Collected Works of Wang Bo. If we compare this copy with China's existing collections of essays such as the Longqing version of Wenyuan yinghua (Blossoms and flowers of the literature garden) and Jiang Qingyi's Wang Bo Ji zhu (Annotations to Wang Bo's Collected Works), we can discover its textual differences.It is possible to restore The Collected Works of Wang Bo to their original state by examining the similarities and differences in the texts. The author first uses Wang Bo's most famous work ”Preface to Poems Composed on Ascending the Pavilion of the Prince of Teng in Hong Prefecture on an Autumn Day for a Farewell Feast” (hereafter ”Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng”) as an example of how such analysis can be conducted. Research on ”Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng” has been published in an article by Huang Renke in Journal of Chinese Literary Studies (Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Literature 1984). The article contains detailed analysis of the ”Preface.” However, it does not discuss the copy held in Shosoin Treasure House. Chen Weiqiang's article ”Collation Notes on Wang Bo's 'Preface to the Pavilion of Prince Teng' and a preliminary study of the scroll version of Prefaces to Poems by Wang Bo preserved in Japan” in Bibliography Quarterly (Vol. 35, Issue 3, 2001) will also be considered and discussed.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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