


Exotic Objects/Magic: The Image of the Western Regions in Tang Dynasty Novels




康韻梅(Yun-Mei Kang)


唐代小說 ; 西域 ; 異物 ; 法術 ; 文化差異 ; 敘事 ; Tang Dynasty novels ; the Western Regions ; exotic objects ; magic ; cultural differences ; narratives




6期(2011 / 12 / 01)


155 - 208






This paper discusses the image of the Western Regions (Xiyu) in Tang Dynasty novels, focusing on descriptions of exotic objects and magic and the significance of these representations. Previous representations of the Western Regions presented the area either as a physical geographical space or a psychological internal space. Many narratives about the Western Regions appeared during the Tang Dynasty and most of them dealt with the problem of cultural differences, real or imagined. The authors situated themselves at the center and described the Western Regions as 'other'. In the numerous descriptions of tributes, treasures, and rare curiosities from the Western Regions, the authors present the idea that this region is full of many exotic treasures that have magical properties. These texts also examine the geography, history, politics, economics, and culture of various countries situated in the Western Regions. Narratives about magic are closely related to the religions of the Western Regions and of interest to the people of the central plains who were curious about the exotic customs of the region. Some accepted these customs but others rejected them. Exotic objects and magic can be regarded as an extension of the Western Regions and they are used as a means to identify, imagine, and understand the Regions. Because they help distinguish the difference between the Western Regions and Central Plains China, these exotic objects and magic not only represent images of the Western Regions but also serves as a means for increasing self-awareness among the Chinese. The characteristics and values of the Chinese people and the ethnic minorities of the Western Regions and their interaction can also be observed in these texts. The descriptions of the Western Regions in the Tang Dynasty novels demonstrate the narrative features that traverse between the real and imaginary. These narrative techniques share commonalities with the techniques used in dili bowu zhi novels [geographical natural history novels]. However, they extend writing about the Western Regions in new directions because the texts take into account cultural differences, political and social aspects of the Western Regions and China, as well as different value systems.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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