


From "Theories on Studying" to "Theories on Politics" during the Reigns of Qianlong, Juaqing, and Daoguang: The Enhancement of Modern Literature




張麗珠(Li-Chu Zhang)


莊存與 ; 孔廣森 ; 劉逢祿 ; 宋翔鳳 ; 龔自珍 ; 魏源 ; Zhuang Cunyu ; Kong Guangsen ; Liu Fenglu ; Song Xiangfung ; Zizhen Gong ; Yuan Wei




6期(2011 / 12 / 01)


255 - 329






During the reigns of Qianlong and Jiaqing when textology was very popular, Zhuang Cunyu, who came from Changzhou, focused on studying Confucian classics. Not only did he love prose and poetry, he also wrote Chunqiu zheng ci, which elucidates Gongyang's terse and significant statements. Although Zhuang did not fully devote his efforts to exalting the studies of Gongyang, nor did he reject ancient literary studies, his relatives and others made the Changzhou School of Thought an independent clique. Zhuang's son Zhuang Shuzu, grandson Liu Fenglu, as well as Song Xiangfung enhanced and glorified the studies of Gongyang. The Changzhou School of Thought later influenced the reform ideas of Zizhen Gong and Yuan Wei during the reigns of Jaiqing and Daoguang. Furthermore, this school of thought became the mainstream during the late Qing Dynasty and was the theoretical weapon that Kang Youwei used during the Hundred Day's Reform.In addition to elucidating this school of thought, this paper will trace the developmental process of modern literature during the reigns of Qianlong, Jiaqing and Daoguang. It argues that it transitioned from ”theories on studying” to ”theories of politics.” This article will also discuss reasons why scholars like Liu Fenglu and others advocated for He Xiu's explanations as the mainstream of the Gongyang style of studies. Furthermore, the Analects of Confucius will be analyzed in light of the Gongyang style. The essay then discusses Gong Zizhen and Yuan Wei's interpretation of other classics by using Gongyang Zhuan Disclosure, as well as their ”quoting classics to support political ideas” with principles in these classics to found their concepts of reform during the reigns of Jiaqing and Daoguang. These developments influenced the trend of thoughts in the late Qing Dynasty. Therefore, the popularity of modern literature in the Qing Dynasty is significant for studies of both intellectual history and academic history. The research is based on archival records and will begin with analysis of Zhuang Cunyu, Kong Guangsen, Liu Fenglu, Song Xiangfung, Zizhen Gong and Yuan Wei to trace how ”theories on studying” shifted to ”theories of politics” and led to the revival of modern literature in the Qing Dynasty.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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