


Lyricism in Exile: Xu Chi and His Critics




陳國球(Leonard K. K. Chan)


徐遲 ; 抒情 ; 陳殘雲 ; 陳世驤 ; 香港 ; Xu Chi ; Lyricism ; Chen Canyun ; Chen Shixiang ; Hong Kong




8期(2012 / 12 / 01)


229 - 261






The modern poet Xu Chi (1914-1996) fled to Hong Kong in the late 1930s because of the Sino-Japanese War. In the 30s and 40s, he transformed himself from an elitist Modernist intellectual into a follower of Communism. In 1939, he published ”Lyricism in Exile,” an essay severely criticized by Chen Canyun (1914-2002), Hu Feng (1902-1985) and others. This negative reception is attributable to the vast gulf between Xu's understanding of ”lyricism” and that of his critics. To Xu, lyricism connoted the ego; it stressed interiority and spontaneity and had little to do with the social environment. Chen Canyun and Hu Feng, on the other hand, held that ”lyricism” in no way contradicted poetry's social value and its function of reflecting the times. Xu's interpretation of modern poetics was primarily based on his study of T. S. Eliot, C. Day-Lewis and other English poets of the 1930s. Xu was a poet-critic who deeply meditated on the nature of poetry, and he tried to respond to the challenges of his time by incorporating Modernist artistic concepts into his ”wartime poetics”. Xu's position is well exemplified by his reading of Bian Zhilin's poetic collection, Letters of Consolation, especially when juxtaposed and compared with Mu Dan's (1918-1977) and Chen Shixiang's (1912-1971) criticism of Bian.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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