


An Archaic Chinese Phonologist Gone Astray: On Weilin Long's "Benyun Yide" 《本韻一得》 and His Thought of Music Temperament




王松木(Sung-Mu Wang)


古音學 ; 通轉 ; 音韻思想史 ; 《本韻一得》 ; 韻圖設計 ; Archaic Chinese phonology ; tongzhuan 通轉 ; history of phonological thoughts ; "Benyun Yide" 《本韻一得》 ; design of rhyme tables




8期(2012 / 12 / 01)


63 - 133






Weilin Long 龍為霖 (1689-1756) in his Benyun Yide 《本韻一得》 advocates that both phonology and music temperament come from 'the primary sound', inheriting Yong Shao's 邵雍numeral system of Yi in ”Huangji Jingshi” 《皇極經世》. Long highlights that both the integration of rhyme groups and the design of rhyme tables should correspond to the principles of music temperament. Long's subjective phonological argument is opposed to the contemporary research of the history of phonology that emphasizes objective and rational notions. Yintang Zhao 趙蔭棠 (1957: 259) once said that Long, like Yun Zhou 周贇, had gone astray and was falling into the path of devils. The perspective from the history of phonology serves only as one of the numerous approaches in interpreting the rhyme tables. ”Benyun Yide” deserves its undeniable research values if we proceed from the perspective of the history of phonology or that of the history of phonological thoughts.This paper analyzes the phonological thoughts and the design theoryof Long's ”Benyun Yide”. In addition to exploring the dimensions from the history of phonology and the Chinese phonological history, the author also introduces the perspective of the history of phonological thoughts into the discussion. The problems tackled in this paper are: What are the sources of Long's thought of phonology? How did Long design the rhyme tables? How can we use the rhyme tables to interpret the principle of the tongzhuan 通轉of the archaic Chinese? How can we integrate the rhyme tables with phonological systems of the past and the present? The paper aims to build the bridge among the history of phonological thoughts, the history of phonology and the Chinese phonological history. In this way, we re-evaluate the research value of ”Benyun Yide”, which has been undervalued by phonological researchers.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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