


Research on the Aesthetic Features of Steles and Inscriptions as a Literary Type


柯慶明(Ching-Min Ko)


碑體 ; 銘體 ; 蔡邕 ; 韓愈 ; 美感特質 ; Steles ; Inscriptions ; Cai Yong ; Han Yu ; Aesthetic features




9期(2013 / 06 / 01)


47 - 79






Based on their different purports, steles and inscriptions can be divided into four types: those that recount an individual's life and promote virtue; those that relate affairs and document achievements; those that assess locales and broaden the dao; and inscriptions that do not necessarily become carved in stone, but simply express an intent or offer praise. These four types of compositions differ in terms of emphasis and aesthetic beauty, and thus a comprehensive study would of necessity be complex and protracted. For this reason, this article will focus on the first, and most common, type - those that recount an individual's life and promote virtue - as the main object of investigation. In the article, I first describe how steles and inscriptions possess attributes that conform to the essential qualities of ”literature.” I also explain their default characteristics and functions. I then conduct an analysis of the literary expression found in the steles and inscriptions of the first type that focuses on three separate aspects, those of moral conduct, personality and fate. With regards to the authors of these texts, they employed various perspectives such as adulatory reverence, mutual sympathy, and pitiful compassion. If we examine changes in emphasis, then we see a gradual shift away from a formally complete aesthetic beauty and towards the dramatic expression of narrative and the incisive exposition of argument.

主题分类 人文學 > 語言學
人文學 > 中國文學
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